I'm Doing The London Marathon!

Pheidippides wowed the crowds with his Upward Dog.

Pheidippides wowed the crowds with his Upward Dog.

About 2,500 years ago, a greek dude named Pheidippides ran from the Battle of Marathon (conveniently held in Marathon) all the way to Athens, to report that the Persians had been defeated.

The distance was about 25 miles. 

This later caught on as ‘a thing’, and people would convene to run that same distance for shits & giggles (from what I’ve heard, more shits than giggles…). 

The London Marathon (that’s a sort of oxymoron, but never mind), is held annually towards the end of April, and this year I shall be doing it. I was going to say 'running', but I can't guarantee I won't walk some of it. And whereas Pheidippides ran naked, and dropped dead soon after delivering his message, I aim to do neither of these (for both of which, I apologise). 

But Why?

Mumsie and me.

Mumsie and me.

Well, my good friend Claire ran it last year, and she did a cracking job (i.e. finished it). She also raised a wodge of dough for the hospice who helped her sister through her (sadly one-sided) fight with cancer. I was in awe of her dedication to both the event and the cause, and felt compelled to do it myself. I’ve also been doing a few big ‘Tick List’ things recently before the ol’ body packs in completely, including a big peak in Nepal last year, so the Marathon seemed like the obvious next choice. 

This year will be the 40th anniversary of the London Marathon. It will also mark 10 years since my Mum died of early-onset Alzheimer's disease. Fair to say, it’s a horrid disease. Watching someone close to you degenerate over several years, gradually reaching a point where she barely recognises anybody and isn't able to eat or do anything on her own, is one of the most devastating things a person can witness. 

Even today, not that much is known about what causes Alzheimer’s Disease, or how it can be treated. It affects roughly as many people in the UK as does Cancer.

Hence, I have been accepted by the Alzheimer’s Society to run for them, and raise a few grand to help them not only find a cure, but also to support those with dementia throughout the UK.

(Not me)

(Not me)


Good question.

I hate running.

Well, I'm quite good at doing short, fast bursts of about 10-20 metres. But continuously running over long distances? No thanks

I am a bit out of shape to say the least. I came back from Nepal with minor PTSD, and comfort ate (and drank) for … well, until present! 

Which is why covering about 26 miles / 42 km will be a massive challenge for me. It's *literally* a Marathon, not a sprint. I wanted to do it in a wheelchair but apparently that's not allowed. Maybe I'll get those trainers with the wheels in the heel…

As part of the training, I'll have to get up early and seriously cut down on the booze. And if you know me at all, then you'll know that both of those notions fill me with dread. This Marathon will not only be about running the distance on the day, but will also mean a total lifestyle change in the 3+ months preceding it. 

I have launched a fundraising page where you can donate if you feel so kind. 

May I suggest £25? That's £1 per mile, and you get the last one for free! 

If not, then a tenner will be just great. 

You can also read updates about my training, how much in pain I am, and maybe a time-lapse of my belly gradually decreasing (I hope!). 

Thank you, and may the spirit of Pheidippides be with you all.